Then do the address for output 2, the LED flashes faster still, etc, until after the 4th address it goes back to the 'heartbeat' blink. The next switch address you use on your throttle will the address stored for output 1 and the LED will flash a little faster. Meaning, we can create a formula as =NumberofPages where (ReportName=”Tab 1″), as ReportName changes with the tab.I’d like to see if someone can come up with a logic to save the NumberofPages which shows Total Number of Pages in a tab in a variable without having to use the Input Control as I did. Now hold down ID until the ID LED starts to flash slowly. Hi Amit,Thanks for reading my blog post!!!That’s a good question, the problem with making it work for Scheduled Reports and/or Publication is that, we don’t a way to find out NumberofPages per each tab, if there are more than 1 tabs. Intensity increases with the number of active inputs. You can set the Switch Address of each of these four Outputs to any value from 01 - 2048. RailCom Use Id tags on your JMRI, Rocrail, Etc, Panel To See What Loco Is In A Specific Block.

This looks visually confusing as trains enter a tunnel at the middle of the mountain at one. Your DS64 has 4 Outputs labeled 1R & 1G, 2R &2G, 3R & 3G, and 4R & 4G, which are shipped from the factory programmed as Switch Addresses 01, 02, 03, and 04 respectively. Many a time, we’ve seen users and/or developers wanting to be able to display (and/or print) continuous/sequential page numbers in a multi-tab Webi document.Suppose, we’ve a Webi Document with 3 tabs, Tab 1 having 3 pages worth of data in Page mode, Tab 2 having 5 pages worth of data in Page mode, and Tab 3 having 10 pages worth of data in Page mode. 19.2.6- To convert a Turnout to DCC using Digitrax DS64.